Helping you find your perfect financial advisor

Whether you’re saving for a big life goal or transitioning toward retirement, we’ll find an advisor perfectly suited to meet your needs.
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Tell us about your needs and we’ll find an SEC-regulated financial advisor to meet them.
We’ll match you to a single advisor who can help you meeting your financial goals.
Your initial thirty-minute consultation with your advisor is free of charge.

When a financial advisor can help

You’re not sure how to plan for your financial future
You’ve been busy building your career, navigating through life’s ups and down, and you haven’t had much time to think about your financial future. You know life is full of big financial decisions, but developing a plan to make these choices is proving more daunting than you expected, and you’re not sure where to start.
A personalized, holistic financial plan
A financial advisor can help you remove some of the day-to-day stress of money management and get your financial goals on track. They will take the time to learn about what you want to achieve in life and how your finances can help you achieve them. Together, you will create a tailored plan – that factors in your income, expenses, and financial goals – and review it regularly to ensure that it remains on track, whatever life throws at you. Working with an expert advisor and having a financial plan makes big life stages less daunting.
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You’ve been investing for a while but not seeing the returns you want
You know investing is a great way to grow your money. But despite investing for a long time, you’re not getting the desired returns, and it’s frustrating. You’ve turned to family and friends for advice, but you’re still coming up short. You know you need to get some advice to make the right investment decision but are not sure where to start.
A personalized investment strategy
A financial advisor can help you build and maintain your investment portfolio. They will learn about your current financial situation, risk tolerance, and investment goals. With your advisor, you will create a personalized investment strategy tailored to your unique situation. They will explore various investment options and analyze their potential returns and risks, ensuring you develop a portfolio to suit your needs and goals. With the expert guidance of your advisor, you can make confident financial decisions and build a successful investment portfolio.
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I have some money saved, but I'm not sure how to make it last through retirement
You’ve worked hard through life. You have a nice amount of money saved in your retirement plan, but you want to make sure it will last. Retirement is an exciting new chapter in life that you want to enjoy. However, as it approaches, most people know they have to make adjustments to ensure a comfortable financial future but are not sure how to start.
A personalized retirement plan
A financial advisor helps you navigate retirement planning. They will take the time to get to know you, learning about your current financial situation, concerns, and retirement goals. Together you will create a personalized retirement plan tailored to your unique situation. From mapping out a budget to understanding your investment options, your financial advisor will guide you through the process and help you achieve your dream retirement. With the expert guidance of your advisor, you can make confident financial decisions and feel ready to enter the world of retirement.
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You’re overwhelmed by the complexity of your taxes and not sure if you’re taking advantage of all the benefits available
The tax world can be convoluted and complex. So, it’s hardly surprising if you find it all a bit overwhelming. You’ve been filling out your taxes on your own for years but have a sneaky suspicion you might be missing out on some of the benefits available. You know you could save money somewhere, but you are unsure how.
A comprehensive tax plan
A financial advisor can help you create a comprehensive tax plan that allows you to take advantage of all the tax benefits available. They will analyze your income and expenses and identify areas where you could save on taxes. Your advisor will also help you stay up-to-date on changes to the tax code and proactively plan for any changes that could impact your taxes in the future. With the expert guidance of your advisor, you can minimize your taxes and keep more of your hard-earned money.
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Your child is about to head off to college, and you’re worried about how to pay for it
Heading off to college is a huge milestone in both a parent’s and child’s life. But there is no hiding from the fact it comes at a huge financial cost. It’s hardly surprising if you’re concerned about how you will be able to afford it. You know you need to find a solution to support your child’s future endeavors, but you’re unsure how to do that without taking on a large amount of debt.
A customized college funding plan
A financial advisor can help you create a customized college funding plan. They will work with you to explore various funding options and analyze their potential costs and benefits. Your advisor can also help you explore ways to reduce college expenses and keep costs down. With the guidance of an expert advisor, you can feel confident about managing your finances, and your child can pursue their college dreams.
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You’re going through a divorce and worried about your financial future
Divorce is a turbulent time in your life, and it can hugely impact your finances. If you’re going through a divorce, you’re right to be concerned about your financial future. You share many assets with your ex-spouse, including your home, investments, and even retirement funds, and you’re not sure how to split them. You’re also worried about paying the high legal fees and other expenses related to going through a divorce.
A holistic approach to financial recovery
A financial advisor can help guide you through your financial recovery after divorce. They will assess your financial situation, including your income, expenses, assets, and debts, and create a holistic plan to manage your assets. This can include diving your assets and reallocating your investment to align with your new goals. A financial advisor can also help you navigate how to pay your legal fees and other expenses. With the guidance of an expert advisor, you can move forward and feel confident about your financial future.
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Finding your financial advisor is just a few clicks away

You’ve come to the right place for financial advice
Answer our 5-minute questionnaire to create a detailed financial profile
5 minutes
Our dynamic search feature will pair you with one financial advisor perfectly suited to meet your needs. We will email you with their details
Your advisor will contact you to schedule your first meeting
Up to 48 hours
years of providing financial confidence
million people connected to trusted financial advice
billion assets under management

What to expect

A simple and speedy process
Take our 5-minute survey, and your matched advisor will be in touch within 48 hours.
Work with SEC-regulated advisors
Enjoy peace of mind that your matched financial advisor will be SEC-regulated.
Keep your information secure
We take data security seriously – your information is safe with us.
Know your advisor before they contact you
We’ll email you your advisor’s details before they get in touch.
Don’t worry about receiving multiple calls
Your details are only shared with your matched advisor.
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Don’t just take our word for it

It really is as easy as it says on the site!
Submitted some basic details about me and what I wanted to do, received a reply hours later!

Max, 5 Jun 2023

Using the service provided me a free personalised response and advise from someone who is pationate about what she does and always willing to help find best possible option. Will surely recommend

Ernest, 30 Apr 2023

Unbiased provided an excellent service putting me as a recently retired 69 year old in in touch with a sympathetic & expert financial advisor.

Robert, 29 Dec 2022

Great service received. Put me in touch with the right person who is now going to help me with putting together my retire plan. Thank you.

Ian, 1 Jul 2022
Our mission
Unbiased helps you confidently navigate life's biggest financial decisions.
Find your perfect advisor
The problem we're solving
Finding a trusted financial advisor can be a time-consuming and daunting task. Our quick and easy matching service connects you with trusted experts, saving you time and stress and allowing you to focus on achieving your financial goals.
Our promise
Everyone should have access to independent financial guidance from a qualified, SEC-regulated financial advisor. We make it easy for you to find the right match, connecting you to an advisor who is focused on your unique financial needs and goals.

Questions and answers

How does Unbiased work?

The Unbiased personal finance platform connects you with a financial advisor based on your economic standing, age, goals, location, and other information that you provide.   You can get matched to the right advisor by visiting our free matching service here.

What can Unbiased do for me?

Unbiased empowers people to make confident financial decisions, from buying a house to planning for retirement. We connect you quickly and easily to the best experts on our platform, helping you choose the right type of advice to achieve your goals.  Our dynamic search feature uniquely pairs consumers with SEC-regulated financial professionals, while our knowledge hub provides an array of tools, calculators, and resources to support navigating life's biggest financial decisions.  To be matched with a financial advisor, please visit our free matching service here.

Are your services free?

Our services are free to you.  We are a subscription service for advisors and charge them a fee based on the value of your inquiry, which an advisor can choose to accept or reject based on their own criteria and availability.

How can I trust the advisor matched with me?

All financial advisors on the Unbiased platform are SEC-regulated.  You can also check accreditations and professional qualifications on the official US Securities and Exchange Commission website’s register.

How can I find out who I have been matched with?

When we’ve connected you to a professional advisor who thinks they’re a good match for you, we’ll send you an email and a notification on your Unbiased account.  Your professional advisor will receive a request to contact you as soon as possible. This will usually be by phone, so please expect a call at the earliest opportunity.   Check your email to find out the name of the advisor who will contact you so you can be confident that you are speaking with the right person.

Where and how is my information stored?

The information you provide when filling out an inquiry or creating an account is stored securely by us. Our secure server software encrypts all the information you provide. Please read our privacy policy for more information about how we store your data.  To request the removal of your data in line with your rights under the GDPR and state-specific laws or to unsubscribe, please email [email protected] from your registered email address.

When can I expect a reply from my matched advisor?

You can expect a reply within one business day; usually, it’s sooner. However, if you have not been contacted within two business days, please contact us at [email protected], and we will investigate this further.

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